A research proposal does not stand alone- it stems from the scientific and individual context of the applicants and depends on the aims of the funding agency (ies) in question.
Our principles are to provide support that is:
- Tailored- to ensure you get the support you are looking for.
- In depth- our experience shows successful funding depends on thorough, scientific and development support.
- Incisive- to improve your proposal, you need to be faced with the doubts and questions reviewers will be faced when reading your proposal. Thus, we utilize our scientific and grant writing experience to question your proposal and criticize it to render your proposal even stronger and with higher chances of being funded.
Therefore, we provide:
- Instruction, coaching and training (to an individual, consortium and/or institution) focusing on grant writing, grant design and strategic planning of research funding.
- Editing, commenting, and writing of research funding proposals.
- Prospective analysis of rejected proposals and support for their improvement and resubmission.
Writing is tailored to the audience- while writing our publications focuses on communicating to our peers, writing a research funding proposal needs to be tailored not only to different audiences- but each research funding scheme also has different aims and thus, writing a research proposal to one funding scheme will not necessarily work for another.
Grant writing also depends on what are your goals and ambitions, what is the field of your grant proposal, whether you are a first-time applicant or if you have a large research group etc.
Therefore, we discuss with you and develop a work plan. Contact us and we can discuss your needs and you will corroborate what Pensuasive Scientific Writing can offer to support you!
As research depends on a scientific community collaborating, also writing a proposal is a team effort. Pensuasive Scientific Writing goes beyond the commonly provided consulting support by engaging with you in the co-development of your ideas and your funding proposal (Our discussions and all the information you provide is confidential).
We know how difficult it is to work on a proposal and have your plans shattered. The most common reason for a rejection is not the ideas but rather their presentation. We have identified in our prospective analysis shortcomings, for example, when explaining the scientific impact of the proposal or when showing the novelty of the proposal compared to previous work done by others or even by yourself.
A grantopsy on your proposal will look also at the comments from the reviewers and provide you concrete steps and suggestions on how to improve the proposal and how to direct it to the same funder or to other funding scheme, more appropriate to your interests.
Contact us and we will be glad to run a grantopsy on your previous proposal and celebrate your success on your future proposals.